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Dancing Hands

Supervision, Coaching & Mentoring

Mentoring For Fusion Acupressure Grads 
Support - ReviSION - SUCCESS

The Fusion Practitioner Training is a brilliant learning experience that is designed to improve your confidence and success as a practitioner.   


 Many workshops fill us up with fabulous knowledge and leave us to integrate and trouble shoot on our own. This is why the mentorship program is an essential way to truly align with the teachings, and with your own personal goals.


. If you feel you want to practice Fusion Acupressure then being part of the mentoring program is an absolute Must!

Mentoring gives students 100% confidence accountability and success.



Support and Clearing Fear

Trouble Shooting

Questions and Answers

Marketing & Support with your Bio


Personal Supervisions

2024 Dates for Fusion Graduates

Online Monday 6 pm to 7:30 pm Sydney Time

2024:  May 20th, June 10th, September 9th, October 7th, Nov 4th, Dec 2nd

If you miss a class, we can record the class for you!


Supervision Dates

"Thank you for a wonderful supervision session. I enjoyed it so much!

It really helps to get motivation, to share and talk about acupressure with you and other practitioners, and also to just open my computer and be in an online session. I'm deeply grateful and looking forward for the next one.... " Nikki

Drop In Group


Drop in group coaching, this is a great way to try it out or just bring one question to support.

1 Drop in: $55 each

Package of 3 Consecutive monthly Sessions over one year $120 each

See Dates

Year Mentoring


10 Consecutive monthly sessions of Group coaching at 1.5 hours per session, only $25.50 each

* Session recorded if you miss one

Yearly Subscription: $255

See Dates

"Lovely session tonight and always grateful for your wisdom and guidance as I navigate this new modality. I love how the sessions just flow even if it is in directions that we did not anticipate. Thankyou..... Kirsty"


"It is amazing to me how inspiring and incredible this time is together. I have learned so much and feel so much more grounded in how to bring this work into the world.... " Sarah

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