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free Acupressure & Opening to Love: 4 Unique Acupressure Sequences (90 min)

  • 18 Steps


This 90 min course focusses on 4 unique acupressure sequences  to support you or your clients to open to love. These unique sequences for love include: + Healing Emotional Tension, + Transforming fear, + Self love to cultivate Relationship + Calming the mind and Presence for a loving relationships. This workshop includes a short introduction on acupressure, the Organ meridians and the Elements. In addition, these acupressure sequences are unique in that they introduce point combination relating to Segmental theory and the Extraordinary Vessels. This workshop include a downloads with Point location and theory,  illustration that demonstrate the acupressure sequence, short videos introducing the theory of each sequence and videos demonstrating how to find and hold the pressure points. The final section includes a few coaching questions to deepen your own healing journey, and instructions on how to apply for your certificate of completion for your personal use or for Continuing Education Credits CEC. ​ $49 

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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